Do you know how to relax? I know that this may seem like a trivial question, but think about it: Do you know how to fully immerse yourself in the moment without thinking about what you need to do or what you’ve already done? In times of high (or even moderate) stress, we can all benefit from an …
3 Reasons Failures Are Fantastic
Failure. Does the word, let alone the reality, make you uncomfortable? If you are like other high achieving, perfection seeking people failure probably doesn’t top the list when you think about your preferred vision of the future. Believe me, I get it. No one actually wants his or her effort and …
5 Choices That Stifle Your Creativity
Would you describe yourself as ‘creative’? If not, maybe you are your own worst enemy when it comes to stretching the boundaries. Creativity can be defined as our ability to produce new ideas and forge connections between seemingly disparate concepts. At its best, creativity can bring …