We’re all guilty of doing it: listening to music while reading an article, responding to email messages while retrieving voicemail messages from our phones or driving to work while downing a less than portable breakfast. Who among us hasn’t embraced multitasking as a means of doing all of the things …
How to Create Goals That Get Results
When was the last time that you achieved an important personal goal? Did it enhance your life in a tangible way? Did it lead to praise or accolades from others you respect? Or were you filled with a deeply rooted sense of pride? Many of us have good intentions, but ultimately allow our energy and …
6 Reasons Why You Don’t Live in the Moment
People often tell me that they want to be more present, to appreciate and enjoy the here-and-now. The ability to focus in this way doesn’t always come naturally. If you want to be more mindful, there are specific actions that can derail your ability to truly savor the moment on a regular …