Admit it: You love a good to-do list. There is nothing quite like the feeling of getting things done. And lets face it; you have a whole lot to conquer in your quest for world domination and no time to waste. If you are like me, checking things off your to-do list is the very sweetest victory of …
Are You Using Your Strengths?
According to Gallup research, people who use focus on using their strengths are 3 times more likely to report having an excellent quality of life and 6 times more likely to be engaged in their jobs. The VIA Institute on Character suggests that knowing your strengths can position you for a happier, …
The Secret to Increasing Your Productivity
This might sound counter intuitive, but the key to increasing your productivity is actually making a purposeful decision to do less. If you want to gain traction and accomplish more, narrowing your focus is critical. The truth is this: you can’t do it all. You can, however, do the things that are …