Look, I know that you have a lot going on. You are in constant motion. Non-stop. But when was the last time that you invested in yourself? I mean, specifically, intentionally made an investment of time, money, energy or emotion? Note my intentional use of the word 'invested'... not spent, …
3 Myths That Keep You Addicted to Information Overload (and What to Do Instead)
Would you describe yourself as growth-minded? Perhaps you regularly invest in your personal and professional development by attending seminars, conference or classes. Or maybe your bookshelves, virtual and otherwise, are filled with great inspirational titles from the likes of Brene Brown, Tony …
Are Your Goals Just Right?
When was the last time you thought about your most critical goals? I mean, really reflected on what you want to achieve in the coming weeks, months, years and proactively designed targeted outcomes that yield transformation in some form? When it comes to setting goals that get results, you …